Monday, September 27, 2010

Family First

I want to talk to you about family: your and mine.

I know and feel that as parents, you and I share some very important priorities. Just like you, I love my family more than anything in this world and I want us all to be safe, healthy, happy and prosperous in everything we do, both within our family and as we go out in the world.

As parents it is our job to be aware of of everything that can even potentially impact our families.

People enter into our family's world from all walks of life: teachers, coaches, extended families, school bullies, powerful peers and others. Some are well intentioned and some not. These people have priorities and values that may be different from our own and they can tremendously affect how our children think, feel and behave now, as well as who they become as adults. Bombardment from a massive and slick media can undermine morals and values in even the strongest of families if purposeful care is not taken to control and counteract this messages.

As parents, we are certainly not the only influences in our children's lives, so we absolutely must make sure that we are the best amd most persuasive infuence in our children's life.

Family is more important today than in past generations and its erosion is unacceptable.